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वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Sukalyan Dash


Qualification : M.Sc.(Chem.), M.Phil., Ph.D. (Sambalpur University)

Specialization : Organic Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Organized Assemblies

M.Sc.(Chem.), M.Phil., Ph.D. (Sambalpur University)

Organic Chemistry, Surface Chemistry, Reaction Kinetics, Organized Assemblies

21 years

Graduate Level : +3 Hons, +3 Pass, +2 Chemistry, Engineering Chemistry, Material Science
Post Graduate Level : Structure and Reactivity; Stereochemistry; Surface Chemistry; Green Chemistry; Basic Organic II; Natural Products; Organic Reaction Mechanism, Chemistry of Materials, Micellar Chemistry

Surface Chemistry, Solvation Chemistry, Organic kinetics, Adsorption kinetics, Soft matters

Ph. D. Candidates : 04 - Awarded, 06 - Continuing
M. Tech. Candidates : 03 - Awarded (M.Phil), M.Sc.- 15
  1. Qualified the UGC-CSIR Joint Entrance Examination (NET) (1989)
  2. UGC Junior Research Fellow (1990-1992): Sambalpur University
  3. UGC Senior Research Fellow (1992-1994): Sambalpur University
  4. Best Paper award (1993): REC, Rourkela, Orissa.
  5. Prof. RC Tripathy Young Scientist Award (1999): SCS College, Puri.
  6. Prof. DN Patnaiak Award for best publication of the year (2008): North Orissa University, Baripada
  7. Deliver lectures in other Universities: 04 (in different Refresher and Orientation course)
  8. Invited speakers/Keynote speakers: 04 lecture
1. Indian Chemical Society
2. Indian Society for Surface Science and Technology
3. Orissa Chemical Society [Jnt. Secretary (1 tenure), Executive Member (2 tenures)]
  1. Synthesis, characterization and Photochemical studies of Some Novel Polymethine cyanine Dyes Ref: File No. 8023/BOR/RPS-200

National Publications

  1. Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: Oxidation of Styrylpyridinium Dyes by permanganate ion (Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. 67, 1994, 673).
  2. Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: Mn(VII) Oxidation using cetyltrimethylammonium permanganate-Self oxidation of CTAP and Oxidation of Benzylalcohol (Int. J. Chem. Kinet.,27(7), 1995,627).
  3. Sukalyan Dash, S. K. Parida, S. Patel, Bijay K. Mishra: Adsorption of organic compounds on silica surfaces (AdvColl Surf Sci, 121, 2006, 77) (18th Hottest article during Oct-Dec, 2006 in all Journals of Sci Dir., and 1st Hottest article in that Journal for two consecutive quarters).
  4. Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, P. K. Behera, B. K. Mishra: Reversal in solvatochromism in some novel styrylpyridinium dyes having a hydrophobic cleft (Spectrochim. Acta. Part A, 68, 2007, 757).
  5. Sukalyan Dash, S. Mishra, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Organically Modified Silica: Synthesis and Applications due to its Surface Interaction with Organic Molecules (Adv. Coll. Interface Sci, 140, 2008, 77-94).
  6. Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. Patel, H. N. Pati, Bijay K. Mishra: Alkylation of Ethanolamines: An Approach to a Novel Class of Functional Surfactants (Synthetic Commn., 39, 2009, 2529-2539).
  7. Sukayan Dash, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Oxidation by permanganate: synthetic and mechanistic aspects (Tetrahedron, 69, 2009, 707-739). [Included in Chemistry Global Wikipedia]
  8. Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Baliarsingh, P. K. Behera, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Cyanine dyes - nucleic acids interactions (Curr Org Chem, 15, 2011, 2673-2689).
  9. Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Preferential Solvation of Styryl Pyridinium Dyes in Binary Mixtures of Alcohols with Hexane, Dioxane and Dichloromethane (J Phys Chem B, 115, 2011, 99-108).
  10. Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, P. K. Mohapatra, B. K. Mishra: Effect of temperature on pseudoternary system Tween-80–butanol–hexane–water (J Colloid Interface Sci, 355, 2011, 157-163).
  11. Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Clouding behaviour in surfactant systems (Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 162, 2011, 59-79).
  12. SukalyanDash,P. Mukherjee, S. Sahu, S. K. Padhan, S. Patel, P. Mohapatra, B. K. Mishra: Temperature induced emulsification and demulsification of pseudoternary mixtures of Tween80-butanol-kerosene-water system (Industrial & Engineering Chem. Res. ACS, 2011, Accepted).
  13. Sukalyan Dash, M. Panigrahi, S. Patel, P. K. Behera, B. K. Mishra: 'Synthesis of cyanines: A review (Tetrahedron, 68, 2012, 781-805).
  14. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Eggshell particles (ESP) as potential adsorbent for styrylpyridinium dyes - A Kinetic and thermodynamic Study (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 33, 1012-1020, 2012).
  15. Sukalyan Dash, P. Mukherjee, S. Patel, B. K. Mishra: Self Organized Assemblies of Surfactants Derived from Ethanolamines (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 33, 881-886, 2012).
  16. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Adsorption of some tailor-made styrylpyridinium dyes on sodium dodecylsulphate-treated eggshell particles (SDS-ESP): Impact of dye chain-length and substituent (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 34, 898-904, 2013)
  17. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Amino Acid Modified Eggshell Powder (AA-ESP)—A Novel Bio-Solid Scaffold for Adsorption of Some Styrylpyridinium Dyes (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 34, 1099-1112, 2013).
  18. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, B Acharya: Tween 80-n-Butanol-Diesel-Water Microemulsion System – A Class of Alternative Diesel Fuel (J Dispersion Sci Tech, 35, 1492-1531, 2014).
  19. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Sorption on Eggshell Waste – A review on ultrastructure, biomineralization and other applications (Adv Colloid Interface Sci, 209,49-67, 2014).
  20. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SaritaTripathy: Solvatochromic behavior of some -Styrylpyridinium dyes (Spectochem. Acta, 125, 422-430, 2014).
  21. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: β-CD assisted dissolution of quaternary ammonium permanganatesin aqueous medium (Carbohydrate Polymers, 111, 806-812, 2014).
  22. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: UV–Vis spectrophotometric studies of self-oxidation/dissociation of quaternary ammonium permanganates (QAP) – impact of solvent polarity (Spectochem. Acta, 142, 34-42, 2015).
  23. Sukalyan Dash, SaritaTripathy: Solvation studies of some tailor made α-N,N-dimethylaminostyryl-N-alkyl pyridinium dyes in binary solvent mixtures containing alcohols, hexane, 1,4-dioxane, DCM and acetone (J Molecular Liquids, 206, 29-38, 2015).
  24. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, SP Bank: Green and Efficient: In situ Oxidation kinetics of some tailor-made -styrylpyridinium dyes in aqueous medium using β-CD-CTAP complex(Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 54, 9142-9149, 2015).
  25. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, B Acharya: Tween-80–n-butanol/isobutanol–(Diesel + Kerosene)–Water microemulsions – Phase behavior and fuel applications (Fuel, 171, 87-93, 2016).
  26. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru, S Priyadarshini: ˇβ-CD assisted aqueous dissolution of cetylpicolinium dichromates (CPDC)—Evolution of a class of green water compatible lipopathic Cr(VI) oxidants (Carbohydrate Polymers, 171, 122-128, 2017).
  27. M Mishra, I Mukherjee, AK Mall, A Mitra, Sukalyan Dash, S Chatterjee, S Mukherjee, A Roy: “Truncated hexagonal bi-pyramidal gallium ferrite nanocrystals: integration of structural details with visible-light photo-activity and self-cleaning Properties” (Journal of Materials Chemistry A, DOI: 10.1039/c8ta02749h, 2018).

International Conferences

  1. Chairman, National conference on Recent Advancement in Materials Science, VSSUT, Oct. (2018)
  2. Convener, National conference on Recent Advancement in Materials Science, VSSUT, Oct. (2013)
• HOD, Chemistry 2017-Cont.
• Professor I/c Central Store & Purchase 2011-2017
• Coordinator, SAP, UGC 2014
• Warden, Arundhati Hall of Residence 2013-2015
• Vice President, Literary Society 2011-2013
• Member, JEE-2010, Odisha 2010-2011
• Faculty Advisor, Dramatic Society 2010-2011
• Warden, South Hostel 2008-2010
• Member, Board of Studies, Chemistry 2006-Till Date
• Member, University Exam. Committee 2006-2010
• Co-VP, Literary Society 2009-2010
• Co-VP, Dramatic Society 2008-2009
• CTO, Signal Platoon, NCC 2005-2007
• Asst Superintendent of South Hostel 2005-2007


  1. Sukalyan Dash, PS Guru: Raw eggshell powder (ESP): A novel Thin layer chromatography (TLC) scaffold (SUJST, 2015)
  2. Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: The saga of green fluorescence protein (IPS News Letter, 46-47, 2009, 33-39).
  3. Sukayan Dash, S. Sahoo, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: A molecular structure descriptor derived from bond-disconnection: Application to quantitative structure property relationships (Indian J Chem., 48A, 2009, 921-929).
  4. Sukalyan Dash, B. B. Nayak, S. Sahu, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Ce(IV) oxidation of alcohols using cetyltrimethylammonium ceric nitrate (Indian J. Chem., 47A, 2008, 1486-1490).
  5. Sukalyan Dash, S. Sahu, S. Sahoo, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Deoximation of keto- and aldoximes to carbonyl compounds (Indian J Chem Sec B, 47B, 2008, 359).
  6. Sukalyan Dash, B BNayak, S. Patel, Bijay. K. Mishra: Solution behaviour of cetyltrimethylammonium ceric nitrate (CTACN) (Indian J. Chem.,45A, 2006, 2229-2232).
  7. Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: Oxidation of Cis-Olefinic double bonds by cetyltrimethylammonium permanganate (Indian J. Chem., 40(A), 2001,159).
  8. Sukalyan Dash, Bijay K. Mishra: Mn(VII) Oxidation using cetyltrimethylammonium permanganate-Oxidation of Alkyl cinnamates (Indian J. Chem.,36(A), 1997, 662).
Present Address : 
QR No. 3R/31, Professor Colony, VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur, Orissa, PIN – 768018, India
  Permanent Address : 
C/o Dr. N.K. Dash, College Road, Bargarh Orissa 768 028