ବୀର ସୁରେନ୍ଦ୍ର ସାଏ ବୈଷୟିକ ବିଶ୍ୱବିଦ୍ୟାଳୟ

वीर सुरेंद्र साई प्रौद्योगिकी विश्वविद्यालय

Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology


Prof. Pravin Kumar Kar


Qualification : M.Phil, Ph.D (Delhi University)

Specialization : Industrial Chemistry

M.Phil, Ph.D (Delhi University)

Industrial Chemistry

31 years

Graduate Level : Engineering Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, Materials Science, Metallurgy Engineering
Post Graduate Level : Industrial & Inorganic Chemistry

Industrial Chemistry, Corrosion Science, Environmental Science, Alternate Fuels, Supra-molecular Chemistry

Ph. D. Candidates : 07 awarded, 04 continuing
M. Tech. Candidates : M.Phil. -05, M.Sc.-30

International Publications

  1. Chitosan-sunflower meal biochar hydrogel incorporated with green synthesised NiO nanoparticles for enhanced catalytic reduction of anthropogenic water pollutants, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, (2024), https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-024-34337-z.
  2. Weld Morphology and Corrosion Characteristics of Flux-Assisted Gas Tungsten Arc-Welded Super Duplex Stainless steel, Jr. of Materials Engineering and Performance, doi.org/10.1007/s11665-024-09582-5 (2024)
  3. 2023
  4. Adsorption of a Styrylpyridinium Dye on Silica and Modified Silica Surfaces from Some Binary Solvent Mixtures Should We Call It Solvent-Induced Preferential Adsorption? The Journal of Physical Letter C, (2023), https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c05023, 127 (41), 20539-20548
  5. A detailed insight into the adsorption efficiency of Cr(VI) by a novel polypyrrole modified kendu (Diospyros melanoxylon Roxb) seed biocha, Chemical Physics Letters, 829 (2023) 140759.
  6. A paradigm increase in adsorption efficiency during separation of some styrylpyridinium dyes from organic media using graphene oxide modified silica (GOMS) scaffold, Materials Today Communications 35 (2023) 105896 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtcomm.2023.105896 35
  7. Novel Fe3O4-Modified Biochar Derived from Citrus Bergamia Peel: A Green Synthesis Approach for Adsorptive Removal of Methylene Blue, ChemistrySelect,(2022),7,e.202103595
  8. Pyrolytic oil blended gasoline as future fuel: pyrolysis mechanism, fuel properties, and composition analysis, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, /doi.org/10.1007/s11356-022-19776-w (2022)
  9. Corrosion inhibitionstudies on mild steel in HCl by a newly synthesised benzyl monohydrazone based Schiff base, Jr. Of Indian Chemical soc.98 (2021) 100245
  10. Efficient Removal of Cr(VI) by Polyaniline Modified Biochar from Date (Phoenix Dactylifera) Seed , Ground Water for Sustainable Development, Vol.15 (2021) 100653
  11. Efficient adsorption of some substituted styrylpyridinium dyes on silica surface from organic solvent media – Analysis of adsorption-solvation correlation, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical And Engineering Aspects, 624 (2021) 126847
  12. Highly selective and sensitive optical discrimination of pyrophosphate ion by a Zn(ll)-terpyridine complex in aqueous medium at physiological pH ,Journal of Molecular Structure 1243 (2021) 130868
  13. Verification of corrosion inhibition of Mild steel by some 4-Aminoantipyrine-based Schiff bases – Impact of adsorbate substituent and cross-conjugation,Journal of Molecular Liquids 333 (2021) 115960.
  14. Characterization of waste engine oil derived pyrolytic char (WEOPC): SEM, EDX and FTIR analysis, Materials Today: Proceedings 38 (2021) 2866–2870
  15. A spectrophotometric study of impact of solvent, substituent and crossconjugation in some 4-aminoantipyrine based Schiff bases, SpectrochimicaActa Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 233 (2020) 118231
  16. A terpyridineluminophore: Synthesis, photophysics and selective metal ionMediatedhydrogelation, Journal of Molecular Structure 1205 (2020) 127568.

National Publications

  1. Brick Kiln Induced Air Pollution: Assessment Through Apti of Plant Species, Poll Res. 42 (3) (2023)373-378
  2. National Publications : 08
  1. B.Tech Chemistry-I,-II, B.Tech. Practical Chemistry
  2. Books - 03, Chapters - 06
Seminar Organized : 02
1. 2002 -2011: Head of the Department, Chemistry, UCE/VSSUT. 2. 2010: Head of the Department, Physics, VSSUT 3. 2014- 2017 :Head of the Department, Chemical Engg, VSSUT 4. 2005-2007 : Controller of Examination, UCE,Burla. 5. 1998-2002: Asst to Controller of Examination, UCE,Burla 6. 1998-2002:Member, Orissa Joint Entrance Examination Committee. 7. 2007-2009:Member, Orissa Joint Entrance Examination Committee 8. 2011-2013 :Vice Chairman, Odisha Joint Entrance Examination Committee 9. 2011-2012: Professor I/C, Central Library,VSSUT. 10. 2015: Comptroller of Finance,VSSUT 11. 2016- 2018: Dean, Faculty & planning,VSSUT 12. 2014-16,2022-23: First Appellate Authority, RTI Cell 13. 2023-24 : Chairman,Odisha Joint Entrance Examination
Present Address : 
Department of Chemistry VSSUT, Burla, Sambalpur Orissa-768018
  Permanent Address : 
Modipada, Sambalpur Orissa-768002